
domingo, 30 de janeiro de 2011

9° Female Eye Film Festival

O 9° Female Eye Film Festival é um festival que conta somente com filmes dirigidos por mulheres. Neste festival, atuei como assistente de produção e mídia.

No primeiro dia do festival trabalhei ajudando na sala de impressa e também no bar do coquetel de abertura.

Nos outros dias, fui assistente nos workshops, o mais bacana, em minha opinião, foi com a diretora Mary Harron, que entre seus trabalhos estão: o filme “American Psyco” (Um psicopata americano), direção de episódios da série “A 7 Palmos” e o longa que será lançado este ano “The Moth Diaries” (adaptação do livro de mesmo nome, é um filme de vampiros muito mais dark).

Trailer de “American Psyco”

domingo, 23 de janeiro de 2011

9º Winterfolk

O Winterfolk é um festival alternativo de música country canadense, lá atuei como assistente de palco. Foi uma experiência bem interessante, parecia que estava em um episódio da família Busca-Pé! Não tirei fotos, esqueci minha câmera : ( Mas, uma voluntária tirou duas fotos pra mim!

O Winterfolk valeu pelo momento cinematográfico e surreal lá! Nunca pensei que alguém poderia tocar uma música e ficar bacana usando colheres como instrumento!

domingo, 9 de janeiro de 2011

Open your Eyes

By Lorenço Menezes Vieira

We, human beings, we`re always changing... The act to change is part of our history, not only our personal history... The skill to change, to adapt ourselves, it made us, and is still making us evolve!

But, what is change? Maybe, that`s why we are always changing, because we are always looking for the answer, better, for the right answer.

When we change, we put ourselves at a disadvantage, in a uncomfortable situation, because we will never know, for sure, what will be the consequences of our changes, even the simple ones from changing our hair cut to changing our job, girlfriend, boyfriend, country... The same way that a change brings a feeling of excitement, happiness, it also brings a feeling of fear.

As an example the act to change our hair cut. Before we do that, we usually ask our friends what they think, we ask if they can point us towards a good hairstylist... All this preparation is something that we do to feel more secure and to avoid all the responsibility about our decisions. If something doesn`t work as we planned we can blame the friend that indicated that irresponsible professional or our mother that said that we would look better with a short hair cut.

What is funny is that we always have a Plan B. At the time that we are thinking how our new hair cut will look like, we think about what we are going to do and to say if something wrong would happen... So, if my hair cut won`t be the way that I had imagined I will cut everything, that will be my plan B!

It`s good to have a plan B, a plan B makes us feel more comfortable, we think like this: “At least, if it won`t work, I have hope, I have a plan B!”. But, plan Bs, they are not miracles... What we have to do, besides the preparations and the plans B, C, D... We have to take the responsibility of our changes, of our choices! Because, we can blame our family, our friends, the f*cking hairstylist, but, the decision to change comes from us! So, the first person that we have to blame is ourselves!

However, we don`t have to blame ourselves too much, because it`s better to decide than to stay indecisive. At least, in the end, we did something!

We feel afraid to do something, because we can lose things when we change, we can lose friends, money, hair, properties... But, we will only lose those things that we have never had and we thought that we had. The important things, better, the important people they are always with us!

We usually have an idea about change, the first thing that coming to our minds is that change implies to change our country, job, relationship... Change became a synonym for move, transformation. Maybe, it can be!

But, when we are talking about decisions, in some situations, we have to decide to stay in a place, in a job, in a school, to have the opportunity to change! It can be a paradox, but sometimes, when we don`t change, we change!


Because, when we change we are looking for answers and most of these answers, we are going to find in ourselves. So, if your mind doesn`t change or you don`t prepare yourself to change, maybe you won`t enjoy so much this change and you can find the answer that you are looking for, but you won`t see!

Open your eyes, but don`t wait for somebody to do this for you... And, also, don`t try to look into yourself by looking at others! The best mirror that you have is when you look at yourself without thinking how people will look at you! It`s not easy, but let`s try to change!

domingo, 2 de janeiro de 2011

Specially to her, to that friend and to all of them

By Lorenço Menezes Vieira

One day somebody told me: “You know what?! Give me a break...I know you better than yourself!”. Who has never said something like this to a friend, to a relative, to a wife or to a husband? But, who in this situation asked: “Yes, you know me better than I, so please, describe me!”.

Why do we only think that we should ask this question after the person leaves? If somebody asks you to describe a person that you think you know better than him/herself, how would you describe him/her?

Probably you would say that he or she is good or bad son/daughter, wife/husband, professional, friend, depending on the intimacy, you can even tell that he or she is a good lover. After that, you`d use some adjectives like: honest, unfaithful, kind, stupid, smart, idiotic, outgoing, short temped, book smart, street smart, popular, nerdy... Wherever!

Tell me, can somebody really describe you with only these words above?

Also, some of us, we don`t ask because we are afraid of the answer. Deep down, we think: “Maybe, that person really knows me better than I, doesn’t he/she?”

Instead of trying to figure out how a person would describe you, try to know what you would answer if somebody asks you: “Who are you? But, please, I don`t want to know if you good or bad son/daughter, boyfriend/girlfriend, professional, friend. Who are you?”.

Answering this question is more difficult than we think, isn’t it? Why?

Because with time, we are acquiring roles in society; sometimes, we want these roles... I accept you as my wife. But, there are some roles that we don`t choose... Everybody is a son or daughter of somebody. And others, we accept as if we didn`t have a choice... I am a good friend, I am always helping them and they are always helping me, we have known each other since we were kids. We are best friends!

And what about when the roles are bigger than us? Or when some roles don`t portray us anymore? Or when everything is perfect, we have a wonderful family, a good job, a car, a very nice boyfriend/girlfriend and we don`t feel happy? What we can do?

We can create a new role for ourselves by dressing in different clothes, taking and posting pictures, making movies, saying what we like and dislike, commenting on everything that is happening around us... We create a character, not only on Facebook and other social networks, but also in our lives.

But, others, instead of creating a new role, they prefer to know themselves... They prefer to go on a trip, the destination is not so important, relevant, they can go to “The Camino de Compostela”, to an NGO (non-governmental organization) or to “Las Vegas”. On a trip like this, what really matter is yourself.

In Europe or Korea, the people that you are going to meet, they don`t really care about your job, your major, your family, your money, they only care about the person that is in front of them, his/her personal values. We put ourselves in situations like these because they force us to know ourselves and we have the opportunity to know our own role, to know who we are and who we want to be.

However, it doesn`t mean that we have to put behind our background, our history... Otherwise, if we are who we are now, it is because we have a past, and when we try to forget where we come from, we get lost... We lose the lessons that we learned, we don’t have anything to teach and we don’t have anybody to miss. So, if you don’t have a past, what are you going to offer to the people that you are going to meet in the present? What you are going to dream about?

To know ourselves, we have to be proud of our history, because of this we are here or there, we are in Germany, Mexico, France, Brazil, Salvador, São Paulo... We are in place and, more important than this, we are in somebody`s life.

When we become part of somebody`s life, even if in only one chapter of his/her life, we will never be alone again, because, as our grandmother (do you remember?) used to say: “Tell me who your friends are, the people that you like, the people that you love, and I will tell you who you are!”.

So, to know our own role, to know our personal values, to know ourselves, we just have to remember the people that we like and that we had the pleasure to share moments of our lives with, moments in which we exchange ideas, opinions, thoughts, lessons, loves, challenges, laughs, tears, different ways of seeing things, to interpret and to live the life. If you don’t remember, maybe, it’s time to search, not only abroad, but specially, inside yourself.

For those that have already found it, don’t forget... Keep going, move on!

sábado, 1 de janeiro de 2011

Clipping - Brasil News Toronto

Eu e meus rommates fomos destaques do Brasil News, edição de Dezembro de 2010. A matéria de capa era sobre o Natal e como os brasileiros lidam com a distância da família.

O Brasil News é jornal da comunidade brasileira de Toronto - Canada.

Currículo - Lorenço Vieira

Lorenço Vieira

Formação Acadêmica

- FAAP – Pós-Graduação em Produção Executiva e Gestão da TV | Conclusão em 2010

- Faculdade Cásper Líbero – Publicidade e Propaganda Concluído em 2006


- Os 4Ps do Programa – Análise do “Astros” como Produto FAAP | 2010 (Clique +)
Monografia que analisa como o marketing pode ser aplicado a programas de televisão e conteúdos audiovisuais. O objeto da pesquisa foi o pprograma de televisão "Astros", do SBT, e o estudo teve como parâmetro a teoria dos 4Ps de marketing.

Idiomas / Informática

- Intercambio – Pacific Gateway Internacional College | 2010 - 2011 – Toronto, CA
Realização dos seguintes cursos: Bussiness English Program, Power Speaking Program e Internacional Business Intership Program.

- Proficiência em Inglês – Certificado IELTS 7.0 Lever | 2011

- Extensão Universitária – Tradução de Textos da Atualidade | PUC São Paulo - 2012

- Inglês e Espanhol Avançado – CCAA | 1997 – 2003

- Bons Conhecimentos em: Photoshop, InDesing, Flash, Pagemarker, Sound Ford, Vegas, Word, Excel, Power Point.

Experiências Profissionais

- VIVO TV / TVA – Analista de Programação e Conteúdo Sênior| 2012 (Clique +)
Responsável pela programação do canal de televisão e acompanhamento do portal Guia Vivo TV; criação e controle da produção de conteúdos de vídeo para TV, sites e redes sociais do grupo Telefonica/Vivo; análise de comerciais, programas e filmes; interface com agências, produtoras e canais de TV.

- TIMWE – Analista de MKT e TV | 2011
Planejamento e controle de mídia da TIMWE nos canais abertos e a cabo, contato com emissoras e produtores, elaboração de briefings, relatórios gerenciais e roteiros, análise de concorrentes e apoio na produção dos comerciais e das interatividades.

- Rede de Cinemas AMC – Estagiário | 2010 – 2011 – Toronto, CA

Durante 5 meses tive a oportunidade de trabalhar em todas as áreas de um cinema, desde a bomboniere, bilheteria até a sala de projeção.

- BestShopTV / Fundação Cásper Líbero – Analista de MKT e TV | 2008 - 2010
Elaboração da grade de programação e dos roteiros comerciais do BestShopTV/TV GAZETA, produção e controle das ações de merchandinsing e infocomerciais, relatórios gerenciais, contato com emissoras e fornecedores, elaboração de propostas comerciais e suporte para a produção do programa BestShopTV.

- Rede Dois Comunicação – Assistente de Marketing | 2008 (Clique +)
Desenvolvimento de propostas comerciais, contato com afiliadas, produção de infocomerciais e responsável pela parte visual (folders, logo, site, papelaria).

- Rede Bandeirantes - Assistente de OPEC / Temporário | 2008 e 2010
Elaboração de roteiros, recebimento e cadastro de materiais.

- RAIN Network - Assistente de Marketing | 2007
Confecção de peças de comunicação (folders, cartazes, newsletters), elaboração de apresentações em Power Point de propostas comerciais, realização de pesquisas, contato com exibidores, produção de eventos e vídeos de pós-venda.

- Rádio GAZETA AM / Rádio Universitária - Estágio | 2005 – 2006 (Clique +)

Responsável pelas promoções no Jornal da GAZETA AM e site, prospecção de parcerias, organização de eventos e coberturas, elaboração de peças de comunicação, contato com assessoria de imprensa, administração do site, produção de spots e jornal.

- SESC Pinheiros / Departamento de Artes Gráficas e Comunicação – Estágio | 2005
Realização de pesquisas quantitativas, contato com fornecedores, confecção de folders e cartazes, clipping e apoio em eventos.

- 2º Prêmio Mobilefest e 4° Mobilefest - Pillar Produções / MIS – Museu da Imagem e do Som | 2009 (Clique +)
Assistente de Produção

- Compus Party Brasil - Bienal | 2008
Assistente de Produção

- 2º Mobilefest - Festival Internacional de Arte e Criatividade Móvel / SESC | 2007
Assistente de Produção e interprete

- 1ª Mostra Audiovisual Cásper Líbero – Itaú Cultural / Rádio Universitária | 2006 (Clique +)
Prospecção de parceiros, produção do evento, confecção do hotsite e das peças de comunicação.

Atividades Voluntárias (Clique +)

- Centro de Voluntariado de São Paulo | 2001 - 2012 (Clique +)


- XV Deafblind International World Conference (15ª Conferência Internacional sobre SurdoCego) | 20011 (Clique +)

- TIFF – Toronto Internacional Film Festival | 2011 - Toronto (Clique +)
Monitor e Lanterninha

- Tim Burton Exhibition – MoMA / TIFF | 2011 - Toronto (Clique +)

- 24° Images Festival | 2011 - Toronto (Clique +)
- Female Eye Film Festival | 2011 - Toronto (Clique +)
Assistente de Produção e Mídia

- 9º Winterfolk | 2011 - Toronto (Clique +)
Assistente de Palco

- Scotiabank Nuit Blanche | 2010 - Toronto (Clique +)

- 4º BRAFFTv – Brazilian Film and TV Festival of Toronto | 2011 - Toronto (Clique +)

Assistente de Produção

Atividades Desenvolvidas

- Projeto de reformulação do canal de televisão (Canal 6 ou 220) e do portal Guia VIVO TV (, elaboração do plano de desenvolvimento de conteúdos para os sites do grupo Telefonica/VIVO e suas redes sociais (Clique +)

- Desenvolvimento do site: (Clique +)

- Realização de planos de comunicação para o Metrô SP e CVC Viagens, envolvido nas áreas de pesquisa, promoção e RTV (Clique +)

-Idealização e organização da 1ª Mostra Audiovisual Cásper Líbero, evento realizado no Itaú Cultural (Clique +)

- Criação da campanha “Dia das Mães 2009” do que foi exibida na TV Minuto

- Realização de um curta de animação Um Amor Salgadinho" (Clique +), do curta-metragem Cactos" (Clique +) e do documentário radiofônico sobre o cineasta Fernando Meirelles (Clique +)

- Produtor e Redator dos Spots das Campanhas de Combate a Dengue, Combate a Tuberculose, Vacinação Contra a Poliomielite, Vacinação Contra a Raiva da Prefeitura da Cidade de São Paulo / COVISA 2005 - 2006 (Clique +)

Atividades Extracurriculares

- Marketing Promocional | 2007
SENAC Lapa Scipião

- Visitas Técnicas a canais de televisão: (Clique +)
CBS | 2011 – Nova York, USA
CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) / CTV | 2010 – Toronto, CA
Record News / SBT | 2009 – São Paulo, BR

- Curso Flash 8 | 2007
SENAC Consolação

- Coral do Centro Cultural de São Paulo | 2011
CCSP- Curso de Gerenciamento de Voluntários 2004
Centro de Voluntariado de São Paulo

Prêmios e Certificados (Clique +)

- 2º lugar na XIII EXPOCOM 2006 (Exposição da Pesquisa Experimental em Comunicação) na categoria Web Rádio com o site da Rádio Universitária e na categoria Rádio Jornal com o Jornal da GAZETA AM (Clique +)

- Curta de animação “Um Amor Salgadinho” vencedor do prêmio de melhor animação no Festival Chico 2004, exibido nos Festivais Internacionais de Curtas de São Paulo e do Rio de Janeiro (Clique +)

- Especial Fernando Meirelles é selecionado e veiculado no 10° Programa do Estudante da Rádio Cultura AM (Clique +)

- Prêmio de Melhor Potencial Mercadológico na Banca de Marketing 2004 da Faculdade Cásper Líbero, plano de comunicação para Hexalentes (lentes de contato) (Clique +)

- 1º lugar no Projeto Vivencial 2005 da Faculdade Cásper Líbero com plano de comunicação para o Metrô de São Paulo

Resume - Lorenço Vieira

Lorenço Vieira


- Post-Graduation in Television Executive Production and TV Management / University Armando Alvares Penteado - FAAP São Paulo - BR / 2008 - 2010

- B.A in Communication – Marketing and Advertising / Faculdade Cásper Líbero São Paulo - BR / 2003 - 2006


- The 4Ps of the Show – “Astros” analysis as a Product FAAP – 2010
I analyzed the TV show “Astros” (it looks like a Brazilian American Idol) as a product, based on the 4Ps of Marketing theory (Product, Place, Price and Promotion).

Languages/ Computer Skills

- Exchange Program – Pacific Gateway Internacional College 2010 - 2011 – Toronto, CA
Courses: Bussiness English Program, Power Speaking Program e Internacional Business Intership Program.

- English Proficiency –IELTS 7.0 Level 2011

- English and Spanish Advanced – CCAA 1997 – 2003

- Computer Skills: Photoshop, InDesing, Flash, Pagemarker, Sound Ford, Vegas, Word, Excel, Power Point.

Professional Experiences

- TIMWE – TV and Marketing Analyst 2011 – 2012
Planning and controlling TV media, writing and producing TV commercials, contacting producers and TV channels, analysing competitors, mobile and TV’s markets.

- AMC Theatres – Intern 2010 – 2011 – Toronto, CA
At AMC I worked in the guest service, box office and in the projection room.

- / TV GAZETA – Marketing Analyst 2008 - 2010
I was responsible for creating commercial proposals, getting in touch with suppliers and local TV channels, controlling the budget and the sales from the products sold in the television, produce and assisting all the action from BestShopTV inside the GAZETA`s TV shows and also helping in the production of TV ads. Other responsibility was to analyse the different targets, define how we would communicate with each target and choose the best media for each product.

- Rede Dois de Comunicação – Marketing Assistant 2008
My responsibilities were to create the agency’s communication (such as logos, business cards, websites, presentations), get in touch with clients and local TV channels and assist in the commercial department.

- Rede Bandeirantes - Programming Assistant / Freelance 2008 and 2010
I worked there with a political campaign, my responsibilities were to receive, register and program the spots from the political parties that were sent to BANDNews, BANDAm, BANDFm and Radio Sulamérica Trânsito. In addition to that, I was responsible to deal with the paperwork, get in touch with the parties and local TV and radio stations. Also, in 2010, I worked programming BandNews and BandAM from Ribeirão Petro.

- RAIN Network - Marketing Assistant 2007
As a marketing assistant my duties were to create presentations, folders, logos, newsletters, posters; contact movie theathers; produce events and assist the commercial department.

- Rádio GAZETA AM / Rádio Universitária - Intern 2005 – 2006
I was responsible for all the communication of the radio station (folders, newsletters, banners). I designed and created the radio’s website, produced spots, prospected partners to help in the radio’s promotion. Moreover I worked as a reporter and photographer.

- SESC Pinheiros / Departamento de Artes Gráficas e Comunicação – Intern 2005
Supporting the event and graphic department.

- Mobilefest - Production Assistant (Freelance) 2007 - 2009
Mobilefest is the International Festival of Mobile Art and Creativity. As a freelance I participated helping with the production of the 2007, 2008 and 2009’s edition. My job was to update the festival’s website, assist the organizers, contact and receive the guests and the artists. Additionally, I worked as a monitor and interpreter during the event/festival.

Volunteer Activities

- Centro de Voluntariado de São Paulo 2001 - 2012
Speaker Volunteer

- XV Deafblind International World Conference - 20011

- TIFF – Toronto Internacional Film Festival 2011 - Toronto
Information Volunteer

- Tim Burton Exhibition – MoMA / TIFF 2011 - Toronto
Exhibition Volunteer

- 24° Images Festival 2011 - Toronto
Usher Volunteer

- Female Eye Film Festival 2011 - Toronto
Production Assistant Volunteer

- 9º Winterfolk 2011 - Toronto
Production Assistant Volunteer

- Scotiabank Nuit Blanche 2010 - Toronto
Usher Volunteer

- 4º BRAFFTv – Brazilian Film and TV Festival of Toronto 2011 - Toronto
Production Assistant Volunteer


- Development of the website:

- Organizer and Producer - 1ª Mostra Audiovisual Cásper Líbero/ Itaú Cultural

- Producer - Um Amor Salgadinho(Animated Short Film)

- Director – Cactos (Short Film)

- Director and Producer – Radio Documentary about the filmmaker Fernando Meirelles

Extra Courses and Activities

- Promocional Marketing 2007
SENAC Lapa Scipião

- TV and Video Production 2008
SENAC Lapa Scipião

- TV Channel`s visits:
CBS 2011 – Nova York, USA
CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) / CTV 2010 – Toronto, CA
Record News / SBT 2009 – São Paulo, BR

- Flash 8 2007
SENAC Consolação

- Course – Managing Volunteers 2004
Centro de Voluntariado de São Paulo

Awards and Certificates

- “Um Amor Salgadinho” won the Best Animated Short Film at Festival Chico 2004, and it was part of the São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festivals.

- 2º place in the XIII EXPOCOM 2006 - Category Web Radio with Radio Universitaria`s website and the category Best News Radio with Jornal da GAZETA AM.