By Lorenço Menezes Vieira
We, human beings, we`re always changing... The act to change is part of our history, not only our personal history... The skill to change, to adapt ourselves, it made us, and is still making us evolve!
But, what is change? Maybe, that`s why we are always changing, because we are always looking for the answer, better, for the right answer.
When we change, we put ourselves at a disadvantage, in a uncomfortable situation, because we will never know, for sure, what will be the consequences of our changes, even the simple ones from changing our hair cut to changing our job, girlfriend, boyfriend, country... The same way that a change brings a feeling of excitement, happiness, it also brings a feeling of fear.
As an example the act to change our hair cut. Before we do that, we usually ask our friends what they think, we ask if they can point us towards a good hairstylist... All this preparation is something that we do to feel more secure and to avoid all the responsibility about our decisions. If something doesn`t work as we planned we can blame the friend that indicated that irresponsible professional or our mother that said that we would look better with a short hair cut.
What is funny is that we always have a Plan B. At the time that we are thinking how our new hair cut will look like, we think about what we are going to do and to say if something wrong would happen... So, if my hair cut won`t be the way that I had imagined I will cut everything, that will be my plan B!
It`s good to have a plan B, a plan B makes us feel more comfortable, we think like this: “At least, if it won`t work, I have hope, I have a plan B!”. But, plan Bs, they are not miracles... What we have to do, besides the preparations and the plans B, C, D... We have to take the responsibility of our changes, of our choices! Because, we can blame our family, our friends, the f*cking hairstylist, but, the decision to change comes from us! So, the first person that we have to blame is ourselves!
However, we don`t have to blame ourselves too much, because it`s better to decide than to stay indecisive. At least, in the end, we did something!
We feel afraid to do something, because we can lose things when we change, we can lose friends, money, hair, properties... But, we will only lose those things that we have never had and we thought that we had. The important things, better, the important people they are always with us!
We usually have an idea about change, the first thing that coming to our minds is that change implies to change our country, job, relationship... Change became a synonym for move, transformation. Maybe, it can be!
But, when we are talking about decisions, in some situations, we have to decide to stay in a place, in a job, in a school, to have the opportunity to change! It can be a paradox, but sometimes, when we don`t change, we change!
Because, when we change we are looking for answers and most of these answers, we are going to find in ourselves. So, if your mind doesn`t change or you don`t prepare yourself to change, maybe you won`t enjoy so much this change and you can find the answer that you are looking for, but you won`t see!
Open your eyes, but don`t wait for somebody to do this for you... And, also, don`t try to look into yourself by looking at others! The best mirror that you have is when you look at yourself without thinking how people will look at you! It`s not easy, but let`s try to change!
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